Hi everybody! Finally I'm back in this blog. I wanna share my story about DEWA ATHENA.
Do you guys know what is Dewa Athena? So, Dewa Athena is a sport day sport competition interclass that held by my school, SMAN 3 Bandung. This year, Dewa Athena is held on March 25th and April 1th. The competitions that held in Dewa Athena this year is quiet diverse, start from football, basketball, dodgeball, relay race, etc. But unfortunately, because my leg still convalescing from the accidents yesterday (I can't share about this cause this such a long story), I haven't been able to join any competition. So, I just be a supporter.
'Cause I just be a supporter, I have not much and interesting story I can tell about Dewa Athena. Simply, I just came to Lapangan Bali, watched my friends playing, talking with my other friends, and then home. It's just like what the freaking aim I went to Dewa Athena, but okay, the important thing is to keep spirit.
Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that in Dewa Athena, we have to make different jersey every classes. My jersey seems like the uniform that is woren by baseball's athlete. Every student have their own number on the back of the jersey. My number is '09'. Actually, I want '21' but it had already taken by another student so yea.
My story about Dewa Athena is just that. Sorry for the mistakes. I'll try to be better and better. Thankyou for reading. See you on the next post! Bye! Have a great blessed day everyone:)
P. S: Sorry I can't post any photos because of technical error:(
P. S: Sorry I can't post any photos because of technical error:(
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